Personalised Services

Ensuring your very best outcome, we have collaborated with specialists in their fields to provide advice and expertise we can fully endorse as part of our suite of services to you.

Let us know which areas you need assistance with, and we will aim to provide an expert in their field
to assist vou.

Presentation is Everything

Showcasing your home with exceptional photography is singularly the most important aspect when preparing any property to take to market. Our extremely talented specialist photographer uses the very latest equipment to not only capture each area in its best light, but also uses drone technology to highlight the position of the home, proximity to important wish-list items such as cafes, and to emphasise any views. Creating a 3D walk through of your home allows any prospective buyer to step through your property no matter where they are and get a real feel for the layout and design. We have consistently positive feedback from buyers purchasing from overseas or interstate, that the home is exactly as they experienced the home online.

Online Promotion

In this age of social media and internet saw buyers, it is vital to take advantage of every available
opportunity to promote your property to the widest market. We recommend the premium level with all the major real estate portals which keeps your property “top of mind” with buyers who are
looking for properties just like yours. This is a proven formula – the results speak for themselves with enquiry levels extremely high right throughout each campaign. And our online campaign doesn’t commence with your launch, we have a number of secret weapons to increase your exposure to those buyers most tailored to your home, We leave no stone unturned.

First Impressions

When a buyer first arrives at your home, first impressions are everything. We will guide you with what to do, and what not to do, to ensure that any investments are spent in the right areas to give you the most amount of impact. If you need help finding a painter, landscaper, builder, Louis (being a long term local) has a great number of contacts with local tradesmen and is happy to share them with you. Sometimes a very small outlay can make a very big difference to the result achieved for your sale.

Home Staging

In our experience, home staging creates the impact needed for buyers to feel at home from the moment they arrive. Whether your home is completely empty, or just needs some additions, subtractions or editing, talk to us about the right method to suit your individual situation.

Building and Pest Inspection prior to launch

We recommend completing an independent Building and Pest Inspection prior to taking your home to market. Our system was initially designed for properties going to auction, but buyers love it for all methods of sale as it allows them full transparency for all aspects of your home. The system allows Interested buyers to access your report to help them establish value and weigh up the items that they would like addressed without fearing what they will find in a building and pest Inspection. The eventual purchaser of the home has the report and the warranty that goes with it transferred into their name at settlement. The report works for you in two ways:

  1. It allows you to address any issues prior to launching to market and have that report re- assessed after any issues have been rectified., which also means no unpleasant surprises once your home is under contract.
  2. It gives your buyers confidence to step forward with a strong offer and eliminate the building and Pest inspection requirement, allowing for a more streamlined negotiation.

Flexible payment options

We have access to a low interest loan (or no interest loan if paid in 30 days) which gives our clients the opportunity to carry out any little improvements that might really make an impact to prospective buyers. This might include repairs, upgrades, landscaping, home staging or anything that can improve your result. We are happy to guide you to make the most of any investment spent on your home. This flexible option is also conveniently available for your marketing package.

Help with removals

If you need help to move, we can put you in touch with a company to help you pack/move/store/unpack anywhere in the world. This is an advantage for anyone who finds themselves in a situation where they cannot, for whatever reason, take care of a move themselves. We can have this company provide you with an obligation free quote. Our previous clients have found this team to be total professionals.